They say it’s utopia
Let's Do It!

Everything needs to be restarted. Everything has actually restarted, but without us knowing it…
Praise of metamorphosis by Edgar Morin
Praise of metamorphosis by Edgar Morin
Certain nations are bringing humanity and our planet to the brink by not sustaining their leadership roles. They are complacent: They no longer furnish us a vision for the future and they succumb to market laws.
The working world, social protection, and educational systems are becoming more and more vulnerable. Our ecosystem as we know it is in danger.
Places like China or Silicon Valley deploy their weapons of mass submission, such as Artificial intelligence (AI), to the point of Transhumanism. There is no limit in the use of technology. It is neither negative nor positive, rather it is morally neutral.
Our civilization seems lost! How can we stay the same?
To conserve and protect our humanity, we need to start adapting today
Continue developing social and moral skills based on humanistic aims required to live together harmoniously.
Build collaborative systems with or without compensation models.
Diminish our dependency, as much as possible, on traditional production and distribution networks.
Produce and consume locally. Develop biotechnologies in the light of biomimetics.
Become explorers who push the limits of our times. Unleash ourselves from our materialistic mentality and dated values.
Change the rules of the game. Become more than a consumer: an egoist or brands ambassador, dare to be human once again
Learn to produce collectively for our communities and become irreplaceable for one another.
Think with others and not have others think for you.
Tame the growth of AI, an issue of the spreading neuro-political ideologies creating the social animal we thought we were.
Rediscover our spiritual connectedness in our actions in working with nature and other human beings. Allow the authors, mentors, and other prophets entertain us and let’s applaud their poetry.
Be simply human and proactive.
“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. And when Humanity lands there, it looks out, and, seeing a better country, sets sail. Progress is the realisation of Utopias.” – Oscar Wilde
Living in a harmonious world where the wellbeing, education and dignity are all prioritized, while wisely using nature, should be our aim to preserve our planet for us and future generations.
To the majority of us, the aim presented above may seem utopian:
Some may argue that by the nature man is the predator of his own kind.
Is it really in our human nature to tear down or exploit others to maintain one’s social status?
Once the motivation is in place, can we make a transition from being programmed and educated to be the cogs of the industrial system to the world that will benefit us all ?
It will no longer be about teaching our children but guiding them in praxis towards loving wisdom. We should help them develop their individual awareness, so they take responsibility for their environment, social heritage, and culture.
To achieve these educational goals, it will be necessary to support them in attaining knowledge, character development, and cultivating their communication skills, so they can, with us, create, produce, and share collaboratively.
In the technology world, we will need to create open applications and platforms, and reclaim the personal data used by large companies like Facebook or Google. Big Data is controlled to the point of public concealment, and is used predominantly, for commercial and surveillance purposes by the private sector. Let’s return to our sense of community to ensure that our collective knowledge: scientific and technological remains accessible to all. We can use the blockchain governance model and human strength to prevent Big Data from ruling the world.
We need to steer away from dated economic models lobbied by governments and large corporations, as they do not always take into account the common good. They lobby for growth instead of sustainable progress.
We can achieve sustainable progress by producing and recycling products locally and by sharing our knowledge and experiences to the benefit of our planet.
More so, we can trade goods, services, and skills locally and worldwide. And we can implement, as locally much as possible, exchange and sharing systems which are free locally and online for users.
We need to become efficient once again and reduce our perceived needs, created by the marketers of the old world, by adopting a resource-based economy. This can be achieved by:
– Using biomimetics and executing the principles of the Blue Economy of Gunter Pauli;
– Sharing our skills and knowledge;
– Managing projects locally.
We are developing a project that will bring together the various online communities. We will turn this project into a reality by using collaborative and low-cost work-sharing models.
As much as possible, we will also employ natural and human resources to produce energy and the consumer goods needed locally.
This project will be financed using a hybrid economy model: where gift giving and traditional financing forms will co-exist.
Additionally, these are the elements that will need to be financed in the beginning phases of the project:
Moreover, the project will be financed by:
It’s time to wake up.
We are living in times where the financial regulation systems and countries are collapsing, bringing about global uncertainty and chaos.
This reality does not necessitate for us to revolt, but rather, for us to get prepared for the changes to come.
How to get ready for the changes:
Develop your own community based on pre-defined criteria, such as common interests, to develop your talents and projects together. Your actions within the community will not only benefit it, but will have positive ramifications outside your base of connections.
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